Languages Spoken in Israel

Languages Spoken in Israel

Tatiana Osoblivaia


Language services industry


Did you know that there are over 8 official languages in Israel? While the majority of Israeli citizens speak Hebrew, Arabic is also an official language and it is estimated that over one million people in Israel speak Arabic as their first language. Let’s take a look at all of the official languages spoken in Israel.


What languages are spoken in Israel?

Israel is a melting pot of cultures, religions, and languages. With such a diverse population, it's no wonder that many different languages are spoken in the country. Let’s take a look at the languages spoken in Israel.

  • Hebrew and Arabic - The two official languages of Israel, Hebrew, and Arabic, have been used in the area for centuries. Hebrew has been used as a liturgical language since ancient times, while Arabic was introduced to the area during the Muslim conquest in the 7th century AD. In 1948, when Israel declared independence, both Hebrew and Arabic were made official languages. Today, Hebrew is spoken by almost all Israeli citizens (93%), while only about 20% of Israelis are native speakers of Arabic.
  • English - English is a widely spoken language of Israel due to its long history as a language of commerce between international traders and merchants. English has also been taught in schools since the 1940s and it is now estimated that more than 85% of Israelis can speak English to some degree. English is also used extensively within government departments and businesses across the country.
  • Russian - Russian began to be spoken in large numbers following the large influx of Jewish immigrants from Russia who arrived after 1989 when restrictions on Jewish immigration from Soviet countries were lifted. Russian is now Israel's third most commonly spoken language after Hebrew and Arabic with roughly 1/3rd of Israelis claiming to speak Russian either fluently or moderately well. It is even estimated that there may be more native Russian-speaking Israelis than Arab-speaking ones!
  • Amharic - Amharic is an Afro-Asiatic language that originated from Ethiopia but it has been adopted by many Jews from Ethiopia who have settled in Israel since the 1980s. As such, Amharic became an official language in 2003 with around 100 thousand people speaking it as their mother tongue today - making it one of the least spoken out of all 8 national Israeli languages!


What is the official language of Israel?

Israel has two official languages: Hebrew and Arabic. Hebrew is the primary language of the Jewish population in Israel and was declared the official language of the state upon Israel's establishment in 1948. Arabic is the primary language of the Arab population in Israel and is also the official language of the country. The use of both languages is enshrined in Israeli law, and government institutions and services are required to provide information in both Hebrew and Arabic. However, in practice, Hebrew is the dominant language in Israeli society and Arabic is often marginalized, especially in official government and public settings.

Hebrew - Israel's national language

The national language of Israel is Hebrew. It has been used by Jews for over 3,000 years but was revived as the modern language that it is today in 1948 when Israel declared independence. Hebrew is written from right to left, though English characters are often used in modern Hebrew texts. It is an official language in both Israel and Palestine, with an estimated 5 million speakers worldwide.

Arabic - another official Language of Israel

Arabic has been spoken in the region since the 7th century CE and continues to be an important language for many Israelis today. It is considered one of the two official languages - alongside Hebrew - in both Israel and Palestine and has upwards of 290 million native speakers worldwide. Additionally, it is also one of several minority languages recognized by the Israeli government.


Hebrew in Israel - short overview of Israel's main language

The main language of Israel is Hebrew. Here's a brief history and overview of the Hebrew language in Israel.

  • History - Hebrew is an ancient Semitic language that was spoken by the Jewish people in the Land of Israel from ancient times until the Babylonian exile in the 6th century BCE. After that, Hebrew became primarily a liturgical language and was not widely spoken as a vernacular language. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Zionist leaders sought to revive Hebrew as a spoken language to promote Jewish nationalism and establish a modern Jewish state.
  • Revival - Hebrew was revived as a spoken language through the efforts of language scholars and pioneers who developed a modern vocabulary and grammar for the language. The revival of Hebrew as a spoken language played an important role in the establishment of the State of Israel, as it provided a unifying language for Jews from all over the world who immigrated to the country.
  • Importance - Today, Hebrew is Israel's main language and most commonly used one in daily life and is an integral part of Israeli culture and identity. It is the language of education, media, and government, as well as the language of Israel's religious and cultural life for Jews in Israel. The Hebrew language is also celebrated in literature, poetry, and music, and is a source of pride for Israelis and Jews worldwide.


The present situation of Hebrew in Israel

Modern use - Hebrew is widely used in all aspects of daily life in Israel. It is the language of instruction in schools and universities, the language of government and legal proceedings, and the language spoken in the media and by most Israelis in their daily lives.

Varieties - There are different varieties of Hebrew spoken in Israel, including Modern Hebrew, which is the standard form of the language used in education, media, and official settings. However, there are also dialectal variations of Hebrew that reflect the diverse backgrounds of Israel's population, including the pronunciation and vocabulary of immigrants from different countries.


English - The Lingua Franca of Israel

English has become increasingly popular among Israelis over the past few decades due to its widespread use in academia, international business, and global communications. As a result, it has become something of a lingua franca for Israelis of all backgrounds; even if they do not consider themselves native speakers or proficient users of English, most Israelis have at least some familiarity with it due to its prevalence in their daily lives. Additionally, English is also taught as part of the curriculum in many schools throughout Israel.


Spanish in Israel

The history of Spanish in Israel is relatively recent, and its use in the country is limited. Here's an overview of Spanish in Israel.

  • History - Spanish in Israel did not have a significant presence until the 20th century when a small number of Jews of Spanish and Portuguese descent settled in the country. Spanish became more widely studied in Israel in the 1980s and 1990s, as a result of growing cultural and economic ties with Spanish-speaking countries.
  • Use - Spanish is primarily spoken by Israeli citizens of Hispanic descent or those who have learned it as a second language. Some Israelis may also speak Spanish due to their professional or personal connections with Spanish-speaking countries. Spanish language and culture are also studied in Israel as part of academic programs and cultural exchange initiatives.
  • Importance - While Spanish in Israel is not a major language, it does have cultural and economic significance. Spanish culture and literature are studied in Israeli universities, and there are cultural exchange programs between Spain and Israel. Spanish-speaking tourists and businesspeople also visit Israel, creating opportunities for language exchange and cultural exchange.


Arabic language in Israel

Arabic is an important language in Israel, primarily spoken by the Arab population in the country. Here's an overview of Arabic in Israel.

  • Use - Arabic is the second most commonly spoken language in Israel, after Hebrew. It is spoken primarily by the Arab population, which makes up about 20% of the country's population. Arabic is used in many aspects of daily life for Arab citizens of Israel, including education, media, and government.
  • Official status - Arabic is the official language of Israel, along with Hebrew. The use of both languages is enshrined in Israeli law, and government institutions and services are required to provide information in both Hebrew and Arabic.
  • Dialects - There are several dialects of Arabic spoken in Israel, including Palestinian Arabic, which is the most commonly spoken dialect among Arab citizens of Israel. Other dialects include Bedouin Arabic, spoken by the Bedouin communities in the Negev desert, and Druze Arabic, spoken by members of the Druze religious community.
  • Importance - Arabic is an important part of Israeli society and culture, and it is taught in Israeli schools as a second language. The language is also celebrated in literature, poetry, and music, and is a source of pride for many Arab citizens of Israel.


Yiddish in Israel

Yiddish is not one of the main languages spoken in Israel, but it does have a small presence in the country. Here's an overview of Yiddish in Israel.

  • History - Yiddish is a Germanic language that was historically spoken by Ashkenazi Jews in Central and Eastern Europe. Many Ashkenazi Jews who immigrated to Israel in the early 20th century spoke Yiddish as their primary language.
  • Use - Yiddish is primarily spoken by ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities in Israel, particularly by Hasidic Jews. These communities often use Yiddish as their primary language for religious and cultural life.
  • Importance - While Yiddish is not widely spoken in Israel, it is an important part of Jewish cultural heritage and has contributed to the development of Hebrew as a modern language. Many Israeli writers and poets have drawn inspiration from Yiddish literature and culture.


Yiddish has a limited presence in Israel, but it remains an important part of Jewish cultural heritage and contributes to the diversity of languages and cultures in the country.


Languages are spoken in Israel most of all

  • Hebrew is the language spoken most often in Israel. It is the primary language of the Jewish population and is the official language of Israel. According to the Central Bureau of Statistics of Israel, over 90% of the Israeli population speaks Hebrew either as a first or a second language.
  • Arabic is the second most commonly spoken language in Israel and is spoken primarily by the Arab population, which makes up about 20% of the country's population.
  • English is also widely spoken in Israel, particularly in urban areas and among younger generations.

In conclusion, Israel is a country with a rich linguistic and cultural heritage. The official languages of Israel are Hebrew and Arabic, reflecting the diverse backgrounds of the country's population. Hebrew is the main language of the Jewish population and is also the official language of the state, while Arabic is primarily spoken by the Arab population. In addition to Hebrew and Arabic, there are also smaller communities in Israel that speak other languages, such as Amharic, Yiddish, and Ladino. The presence of multiple languages and cultures in Israel reflects the country's history and contributes to its unique identity as a diverse and multicultural nation.



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