Amharic translation services

Amharic translation services

Looking for professional solutions for your multilingual challenges? Whether you need to translate from Amharic to English or from English to Amharic, our linguistic services are designed to deliver excellent results perfectly aligned with your specific needs. PoliLingua renders your linguistic tasks as easy as ABC.

Why PoliLingua?

  • 80 Professional Amharic translators
  • 25,000 Amharic words translated
  • 41 Amharic translation projects
  • Projects Management & Quality Control
  • Competitive Rates

Amharic translations

Throughout numerous years, PoliLingua has crafted outstanding services due to the stringent selection of qualified linguists. In addition, our translation agency has divided experts into several teams by the domain of their expertise. Multiple successful projects have demonstrated this kind of approach permits the distribution of the task to the most appropriate specialists who are well-familiarized with the subtle cultural nuances and intricacies of the given discipline. Besides, to achieve optimum results, the translation processes are accompanied by advanced tools, which diminishes the chance of random errors. Computer-assisted translation software and CAT tools used by our professionals allow for better understanding, whilst the optimization of processes takes place at a faster pace. We guarantee top-quality services which are certified with ISO 17100:2015. Our translation company offers a range of services:


Amharic Automotive translation

The complex infrastructure imposed by the automotive sector encompasses a range of activities, starting from manufacturing, and finishing with marketing and selling. As a result, many other industries are involved, increasing the need for quality translation services in various languages. In this sense, understanding functional, conceptual, and also cultural differences between countries are crucial demands. The Amharic language translator has to possess a high degree of in-domain specificity and be able to develop well-established procedures to produce quality output.

The industry includes various services, such as engineering, aviation, automotive, and other areas for which specialized knowledge is paramount. To avoid distorting the message, the complex translation process is executed in tandem with advanced tools, always followed by a rigorous proofreading process. Talking about the experience, PoliLingua is proud to have worked with Toyota and Volkswagen, having ensured viable solutions.


Amharic certified translation

Certified translation is an essential part of working with government authorities or official institutions abroad. For instance, you desire to study in a different country and the admission process requires the certified translation of your degree certificate or diploma, to be approved abroad. In such a case, professional translators who are well-familiarized with the particularities of the terms are wanted. Well, in this context you can confidently enjoy the benefits of our expertly crafted services. A specialized team is ready to convert meaning, putting into practice a wide range of abilities to offer you high-rate results. Accuracy, correctness, and quick turnaround are our key priorities when working with our clientele.

We can translate from/to Amharic different documents

We can translate from/to Amharic different documents

  • ID cards
  • Passports
  • Visas
  • High School Diploma
  • Drivers licenses
  • Name change
  • Residence permits
  • Temporary resident papers and many more.

Amharic culture and traditions

The Amhara culture is represented by religious paintings, various embellished products with embroidery, filigree jewelry and religious symbols. Amongst the most practiced agricultural activities can be mentioned the farming of many crops and the raising of cattle, goats and sheep. Societal relationships are primarily built on hierarchical principles and individualistic communities. Family and relatives practice semanya, which is represented by eighty-bond marriage. There are also other variations of marriage that interdict the divorce. An interesting tradition consists in eating from the same dish positioned in the middle of the table.

Amharic culture and traditions
Amharic language profile

Amharic language profile

Amharic is the first language of Amharas and the lingua franca for inhabitants of big cities of Ethiopia. The language belongs to the Semitic family, which is a subgroup within the Afroasiatic group. Amharic enjoys wide use as the official working language in Ethiopia and numerous other regions within the Ethiopian federal system. Overall, there are 21,811,600 speakers and it ranks as the second-most widely spoken language in the world, amongst the Semitic-originating languages, after Arabic.

The language resulted due to the simplification of communication between Cushitic and Semitic substratum, in an attempt to ease the interaction between diverse populations. The so-called process of pidginization gave birth to new means of communication, which differentiated the language used by the church.

One feature which resembles Ge’ez language resides in the script, which manifests in the written left-to-right system, named, in Ethiopian Semitic languages, Fidal. As a result, the linguistic notion of abugida was invented.

The Geography of Amharic

Amharic has a record of being used in law procedures, trade and as a daily means of communicating, and in the military as well. Since the late 12th century till today, it has been established as the official language of Ethiopia. A research run in 2007 shows that there are 21.6 million native speakers in Ethiopia and another 4 million users of Amharic as the second language. Besides, there’s an estimated number of 3 million emigrants outside Ethiopia and also Ethiopian Jewish communities in Israel. Additionally, there are users registered in Washington DC, enabling the introduction of the language in schools. Moreover, Amharic possesses a holy status in the Rastafari religion and is also largely used in the Horn of Africa.

There are several important books translated into Amharic, such as Fiqir Iske Mqabr and the Holy Bible. Generally, a significant extension of literature works has been noticed, ranging from educational and religious books to government documents and technical instructions.

The Geography of Amharic

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Our translations are performed by translators carefully selected to align with the subject matter and content of your project. They meet and exceed international quality standards. Upon request, we will provide you with a certificate attesting to the precision of our translations