Armenian translation services

Armenian translation services

Are you looking for reliable, professional Armenian translations? PoliLingua provides the highest quality Armenian translation services available - no matter where in the world you are. With decades of experience, we are confident in our ability to produce top-of-the-line Armenian translations for any purpose. Their team of expert linguists uses both current technology and traditional language techniques to create fast, accurate results. Rest assured that you will receive high-quality Armenian language translations from us.

Why PoliLingua?

  • 48 Professional Armenian translators
  • 87,367 Armenian words translated
  • 31 Armenian translation projects
  • Projects Management & Quality Control
  • Competitive Rates

Why PoliLingua is the best in Armenian language translations

Our multilingual translation services are designed to serve you under the highest standards.

  • Firstly, a strict selection process is set to select the best-suited candidates for your project.
  • More precisely, experts in specific disciplines and well-acquainted with cultural differences translators are in charge of the translation, which is included in his area of proficiency.
  • Also, we enjoy broadly the benefits of computer-assisted translation software and CAT tools, which permit enhanced accuracy and unparalleled results delivered within the imposed deadline.

Moreover, our services comply with internationally recognized standards by being assigned the certificate ISO 17100:2015. Mixing the above ingredients, you can devote complete confidence to our competence in solving your Armenian linguistic tasks. We can translate for you a plethora of projects.

Why PoliLingua is the best in Armenian language translations
Armenian to English and English to Armenian translations

Armenian to English and English to Armenian translations

Armenian-to-English and English-to-Armenian language translations are the most common for all Armenian translation language pairs in the World. Whether it is for an academic paper, a website, or business documents, these two languages provide a strong intersection for global communication. Companies specialized in this type of translation can help bridge the gap between these two languages and ensure accuracy and precision on any project they take on. 

If you need to communicate effectively with an Armenian audience or explore the annals of Armenian literature, PoliLingua can provide you with different types of professional English and Armenian translation! We specialize in translating Armenian to English and vice versa, giving you the necessary language tools for any circumstance. Our experienced team takes great pride in their reliable, accurate translations. From business documents to ancient manuscripts, we can help bridge the gap between your English and Armenian needs.

Certified Armenian translation services

Our company is proud to provide certified Armenian translation services for businesses, organizations, and individuals. Our service guarantees that our translations are accurate and reliable, giving you the confidence to use them for any purpose. We have an experienced team of Armenian language experts to ensure the highest quality translations from any type of document.

We focus on ensuring the accuracy of our translations while providing the best customer service experience. We ensure that our certified Armenian translations convey the exact meaning and nuances of the words you provide. With our certified Armenian translation services, you can rest assured that your language needs will be met with precision and care.

Certified Armenian translation services
Armenian medical translation services

Armenian medical translation services

PoliLingua has been setting the standard for Armenian medical translations for years. Our team of experienced professionals is fluent in both Armenian and their source language, allowing us to provide accurate, high-quality translations with a quick turnaround time. Our experienced linguists have the tremendous clinical knowledge and specialize in providing accurate translations in both directions, from Armenian to English and English to Armenian or other languages. 

PoliLingua is committed to delivering high-quality translations that meet or exceed industry standards. Let us give your medical messages the precision they need, so you can be confident that tomorrow's patient receives the same quality of service whether they speak Armenian, English, or another language!

Armenian legal translation services

Armenian Legal translations implicate the release of material that is recognized to be valid by Armenian legal translations. This aspect implies several issues when confronted with variations manifested within a different country. To deliver quality Armenian legal translations, the Armenian legal linguist has to be state-appointed and endowed with accuracy and attention to detail.

For numerous years, articles, family law cases, wills, certificates, agreements, immigration documents, security cases, and many other types of documents have been translated quickly and professionally by PoliLingua, always undertaken under international standards set for both source and target language. We can translate different types of Armenian legal documents for your needs.

Armenian legal translation services
Armenian software and website translation and localization services

Armenian software and website translation and localization services

With increasing globalization, Armenian software and website translations, and localization services have become essential for businesses seeking to reach international audiences. Localization is product or service adaptation to a particular language, culture, and desired target market. With our Armenian software and website translation services, we enable businesses to gain access to the potential markets from Armenia and its diaspora.

We provide accurate software translations that will enable all users of your business applications to have their cultural needs met, no matter their location. We also understand user interface localization needs plus languages spoken within Armenia for them to have a satisfying experience with your product offerings. Video game localization comprises a chain of stages, starting from insignificant changes and ending with recording audio and adjusting the content to the cultural specifics.

We look forward to helping you expand into new markets with our professional Armenian translation and localization services!

Armenian Technical Translation Services

Technological advancement is the key driver of today’s global economy. More often, the domain includes scientific, engineering, and mathematical knowledge, which propel the need for specialized Armenian translators who feel at home when dealing with technology-related terminology. 

Our Armenian translation company has gathered teams of subject-matter linguists who know the ropes of the industry. Thus, our services are meant to deliver the best of both worlds with a wide range of projects.

  • Patents translations
  • Equipment instructions translations
  • Engineering processes translations
  • User manuals translations
  • Technical instructions translations


Armenian Technical Translation Services
Armenian country and language profile

Armenian country and language profile

Armenian language, named Haieren too, takes part from the Indo-European language family, mistakenly considered an Iranian dialect. The language encompasses about 6.7 million speakers spread all around the world. The biggest part is situated in Armenia, followed by Georgia and Russia. There are at least 100,000 speaking Armenian individuals located in Iran. Nowadays, a small part of speakers is situated in Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt, Azerbaijan, Iraq, France, the United States, Bulgaria, and other places.

Armenian is split into a few variations: Old, Middle, and Modern Armenian. The last one comprises two written versions - Western Armenian and Eastern Armenian. Till 1915, there were discovered about 50 dialects, some of them presenting multiple similarities.

Regarding the first arrived Armenians in eastern Anatolia, there is no certain information. The Republic of Armenia is placed in the 47th position on the Doing Business Index in 2018 and the 13th on the “starting business” sub-index. As a consequence of the soviet past, the wide majority of the population speaks Russian as well. 

Request a free quote for professional Armenian translations

Looking for a translation from or into Armenian? Look no further and get in touch with PoliLingua. We offer comprehensive Armenian translations tailored to your specific needs and industry.

Get a free quote by submitting your documents in our contact form. Call or email us and discuss the details of your project with a member of our team.

With years of experience in the translation industry, you can be sure that our experts will provide you with accurate translations for any kind of document. Let's get started - request a free quote today!

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Our translations are performed by translators carefully selected to align with the subject matter and content of your project. They meet and exceed international quality standards. Upon request, we will provide you with a certificate attesting to the precision of our translations