GALA - Globalization and Localization Association

The Globalization and Localization Association (GALA) serves an international community of organizations and individuals that enable communication and business across languages and cultures. The mission is to help members succeed and to drive our industry’s development by building professional communities, sharing knowledge, and advancing best practices in the globalization sector.

GALA delivers programs, resources, and events that help its members understand and serve local markets worldwide. The community offers a non-biased platform for information-sharing, collaboration and building connections between industry stakeholders. GALA creates and supports initiatives that advance localization and globalization best practices and raises awareness about the value that this sector brings to global business.

GALA’s members are organizations that communicate across languages and cultures. They deliver a diversity of services and technologies to support global communication; they function as stewards of global brands and designers of globalization strategies. As individuals, they occupy diverse roles ranging from CEOs to software developers, translators to sales managers, interpreters to consultants, and many more. GALA’s independent, non-profit status and its global reach make it a trustworthy source of industry information and an excellent platform for evangelizing the importance of language services. Through GALA’s programs and insightful content, individuals become more knowledgeable, organizations grow and mature, and the globalization industry makes gains in professionalism and prominence. The vision of the organization is to be a trusted industry resource and to ensure that language, culture, and multilingual communication are indisputable priorities in global business.

GALA's mission is to support the growth and development of our members and the globalization sector by creating communities, sharing knowledge, and promoting professionalism.

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PoliLingua GALA 2021

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Our translations are performed by translators carefully selected to align with the subject matter and content of your project. They meet and exceed international quality standards. Upon request, we will provide you with a certificate attesting to the precision of our translations